I am now reading for my next exam in practical exam in pathology.

I am now reading for my next exam in practical exam in pathology. .  It is going to be a lot off stress, and I would be happy when I passed this exam. Though I think I am in a better situation than the rest off my clinical group. They are taking all of their exam this spring rather than reproduction in the spring and horse/live stock medicine and small animal medicine in fall like me.

I pass my first clincal exam.

I passed my first clinical exam in reproduction. When I arrived I was given the task of pregnancy testing a heifer. She was pregnant in week 7 and in about 7 month she'll become  a cow and give birth to a calf. Though I more a city person and I hope to start working with dogs and cats rather than livestock. By the way I might tell that I got my second A. Smile Since I start improving my study habits by using tools like mind map, I have acquire a better overview of my subjects. It is much read an a3-paper than trying to learn a book chapter by heart. Since I am a computer fan I am using computer based mind map program, also it may be in order to put down on paper that I uses a GPL license program named  Freemind.